About Halina

Halina was born in Krakow, Poland in 1937. When she was three, World War II began. By her eighth birthday, the odds Halina had overcome were staggering. Over 1 million Jewish children were murdered during the Holocaust. The documentary “Hiding Halina” chronicles her struggle to survive.

Little did she know at the time, but surviving one of history’s darkest periods would forever shape her professional life. Plunged into an atmosphere of grief and suffering, Halina witnessed the devastating effects of loss. Eventually experiencing her own, losing both parents and her 31 yr old sister to cancer.

These experiences, along with surviving breast cancer herself, provided the impetus to change careers as a middle-age woman and pursue a path that drew upon what she knew far too well: loss and bereavement. For the past 40 years, Halina has been helping others through their grief as a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor.

Halina loves antiques, the opera and has a passion for movies. She enjoys philosophical debates with her husband and cherishes time with her sons and grandchildren. For it is through them, she feels hope for the future, similar to the feeling she had at the end of the war and that very dark and painful period of her life.
